Euroreef skimmate amount


How much skimmate should I get per day with a Euroreef ES6-1 on a 75g tank (3 fish and inverts)? I know the answer probably depends on many factors, but I just hooked up the Euroreef on my tank which has been running without a skimmer for 3 months. I haven't got any gunk yet and thought there would be more?


Active Member
Raise the riser up almost to the seal. You don't have a huge bioload so it may not skim like crazy right off the bat. Like all skimmers there is a little break in period. Once they break in the EuroReefs are IMO the best skimmers on the market. I have the CS6-1 and I love it!!!! Trust me you won't be disappointed with it's performance!!


I have the riser all the way up and their is great bubble action inside the skimmer. I just am surprised my tank water is so "clean" after not having a skimmer on it.
What is there to "break in" on a skimmer?


I would think your water is very clean at all. Euroreefs, tend to take a little longer than most high quality skimmers to fully break in. give it a week or two. I agree completly with Attml. once it breaks in you will be very satisfied. I have a CS6-1 on my little old 46 and it skimms like mad.


just bought a CS6 Euroreef for my 140 gaL as my berlin turbo is not doing it. Please tell me the euroreef is easier to work eith than the Red sea. I have heard the Turbo is a good skimmer IF you can get itg adjusted properly(which i cant)



Originally posted by Haze
just bought a CS6 Euroreef for my 140 gaL as my berlin turbo is not doing it. Please tell me the euroreef is easier to work eith than the Red sea. I have heard the Turbo is a good skimmer IF you can get itg adjusted properly(which i cant)

I dumped my Red Sea in favor of the EuroReef. I got almost no skim (raised all the way up) with the new skimmer for a few days but then I started getting a bit more each day. I now get about an inch or a bit more per week and this is thick, gloppy, yucky skimmate :)
I think I've had it for a little over a month now.