Evaporation killing salinity?


My evaporation level is high. I'm finding alot of salt on the backside of my tank, and on my skilter. I have a glass hood, but part of the back is open, skilter is on the back right side of tank, my air stone is in the back left corner..Could that be the reason I am losing so much water and salt to evaporation? My tank is around 78 degrees....


Ok, i believe that my air stone(one of the longer ones, about 2inches) is casuing my loss of water, I have a powerful pump and the bubbles that rise when they pop of course shoot water out hte back little by little, building up possibly???
any help woudl be appreciated

mr . salty

Active Member
An air stone is not necisary in a marine aquarium. In most cases they cause more trouble than they are worth. You have discovered two of them,salt buildup,and water evaperation. They also send small bubbles evrywhere in the tank making the water appear dirty. I lost mine a long time ago.Just throw the salt into the filter..... STEVE


My water is perfectly clear...Why dont I need the pump? I thought I needed to supply air to the fish.....My skilter which is suppose to release alot of bubbles and stuff into water doesnt.....please help.


Active Member
Gas exchange occurs mostly on the surface of the water and just having your filter running moving the water and disturbing the surface oxygenates your water. The salt in your tank does nt really evaporate it is what is called salt creep. You can just push it back in as long as it does nt land on any corals.


So if I disconnect my pump, and take out the tubing and airstone, my fish will still survive?


I don't use air stones any my tank has those little bubbles in the water. I drives my nuts too. But I can't get rid of them. Anyone have any ideas?

mr . salty

Active Member
Are they comming from the skimmer? If so ,move it closer to the overflow. I did this before I put it in the sump. Any bubbles that came out of the skimmer got sucked right into the sump. STEVE


Ok When I disconnect my pump there are no longer bubbles,maybe about 4 or so from the overflow from the filter, moving the water, but i no longer have bubbles moving within the water.....
Im confused I thought they needed the bubbles?

mr . salty

Active Member
Bubbles moving around in the water,are doing nothing more than that. Airation occurs at the surface of the water. This is best achived by having a ripple effect accros the surface. Either from your filter output,or a powerhead pointed accros the top. In some cases bubbles are a hassard to the tank. Most corals,and all sponges cannot have bubbles. Unless you really like the look of clouded water,you dont want them. STEVE


Ok i found my direction guide! Appon reading it, I found out that the little white "air adjustment vavle" which I thought would let the bubbles out was actually what took in the air. Once I found that out, I put it in water, the air bubbles then stopped, trial and error.... "dumbarse"
Now I have a another horrible sound, but I have the little bubbles you guys are talking about. I disconnnected the pump and air stone. Once I did that my 3 damnsels(hehe) went frantic, shooting all throughout the tank. I guess they got used to it.
Is it normal for the damsels to make little depressions in the sand(in the corners) and sleep in them?


Active Member
Many fish will do that, its where ever they feel comfortable. By the way Sammy brought up a good point, You mentioned you have a glass top You should leave it cracked or take it off to allow for better oxygen exchange. Many aquarist have open tops but you have to watch for jumpers.


The back part of the top is open...the width is like 15inch or so, and the opening in the back is about 2 inches of that.