Evaporation Question


I just added 130 watts of pc to my 15 gal tank. In the process I removed my entire hood. My question is, how much evaporation am I going to have? Should I try to cover it with something?


I have a 40 gallon with 30 gallon sump/refugium and lose a half gallon of water a day. I have no glass tops and 384 watts of pc.


Active Member
I don't even have the canopy for my new tank yet and lights aren't even on half of the time. Have to wait until my canopy gets here to install the MH's. It's a 90G Oceanic Bowfront RR with 30G sump and I'm losing a bit more then half gallon a day. In my existing 55g reef with 10g sump/fuge running 2-175w MH and 2-110w VHO actinics, and 10k PC's running on fuge. I'm losing about a little bit more then half a gallon a day. Which that's the bizzare part that both tanks losing about the same amount of evaporation in a day. I'm sure it will change once I get those 2-250w MH's in there.... :happyfish


i have 130 watt PC on my 28 gallon with no top......and i don't even notice the loss hardly.....only end up topping off my water like once a week and it might be half a gallon...


I keep my glass tops off because I dont have to worry about cleaning the saltcreep off that blocks lighting. I evaporate more water here in CT then FL because its much drier this time off year. When summer roles around my evaporation will decline some.


Originally Posted by Leafer
So, with all the evaporation, why don't you use a canopy?
Most people don't use glass tops, or any covering becaus some lighting heats up the water more with no surface cooling, also with no tops you get better gas exchange.


Active Member
I don't use tops and I run 2 x 250w halides and 4x65w actinics. I put in around two gallons a day.


Active Member
I run a 215 reef with glass tops, 35 gal sump and no chiller and I loose 1/4 gal / day.
Lighting: 3 150w hqi (8 hours/day) & 4 96w PC's(10 hours/day).