Even Obama thinks Kanye is a Jackass!! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jrse7en
I don't think what Mr. West did he was right or a thought out comment that he made here, but what does this have anything to do with race. He didn't get up there and say "I hate white ppl!". To me he's just a fan of the other singer lady. I have my own opinions but let's be fair here ppl.

I'll be as fair as Mr. West in discussing Katrina.
Mr. West hates white people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I have a feeling Terry Moran with ABC won't be getting any interviews or 'question time' during an Obama press conference anytime soon.
I don't think he will be allowed in the same zip code as the President from now on and well deserved.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Let me set the record straight, too....
I even think Kanye is a Jackass

Hey, I think Obama should have called him a jackass on the record. It's just if we use the current standard which is any time anyone criticizes a black person it based on racism, Obama should be made to apologize. Bouncy or whatever her name is showed a lot of class and the blond showed a lot of composure for someone so young. West didn't do himself any favors with the Leno interview. 'It's the pain from his mommy dying that made him do it
What a tool.