Ever Been Bitten!!??


My snoflake eel just bit me! lol he is about a little over a foot long and he drew blood , first time ever ive had him for almost a year now, but i was moving the sand around a little and i sort of stuck my finger in his home

bad idea!


Never been bitten, other than for the maroon clown attacking my arm every time I do something in the tank. But that doesn't really hurt.


Active Member
I've been bit by my damsels, porcupine puffer, and volitan lionfish. The damsels are just defensive as hell, but the others will chomp anything that even remotely resembles food.


i have been bitten by my snowflake eel and my undulated trigger. my snowflake is like 16 inches, and my undulated is like 5-6 inches. both times i bled badly.


Originally Posted by MX#28
I've been bit by my damsels, porcupine puffer, and volitan lionfish. The damsels are just defensive as hell, but the others will chomp anything that even remotely resembles food.
Really a lion where you bit or stung??
Ive also been bitten by my blue-line trigger and also my damsel everytime i stick my arm in the tank but you cant really feel it at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cafero702
Really a lion where you bit or stung??
Both, actually. I have various butterflies, tangs, and angels that I feed emerald entree (cubed veggie stuff) to. One of my volitans started to eat the frozen cube everytime so I just hold the cube in the tank and the other fish pick it apart from my fingers and I can move it away from the volitan. A few times that I've been distracted, though, the lionfish has gone for the cube - fingers and all.
The sting I got from the spines was kinda painful for maybe 5 minutes, the bite is barely noticable. Lionfish vacuum their prey in and suffocate it and I'm glad to say they aren't armed with sharp teeth or strong jaws.


Active Member
I used to feed my 7 inch Porky Puffer by hand, he once overshot the shrimp and latched on to my finger, I jerked my hand back as a reflex of the pain, Edgar (the Puffer) held on and ended up on the floor...I scooped him up and back to the tank, Edgar went back to his business and I went for several band-aids....I stopped feeding Edgar by hand


Active Member
Been bitten by lots of fish...no real injuries tho.
4" Clown Trigger, 5" Queen Trigger, 10" Porc Puffer, 32" Whitemouth Moray...don't even know the other many times I've been bitten.
Had a friends 4" Black Oc. Clown that used to attack me, like a rabid Pit Bull, every time I tried to clean the tank. She was the only one that would cause me to jerk my arm out of the tank. Only injury she ever caused was the numerous times I whacked my funny bone, on the rim of the tank, when she'd bite me and I'd freak out and jerk my arm out of the tank.


Active Member
been bitten by my stars and stripes puffer but I just laughed he/she is only about 3" so I barely even felt it.


LMB got me...thats right a lawn mower blenny. when i firts released him into tank he swam to the bottom and right back up and bit my finger, that was over a year ago and just the other day while cleaning he did it again
never hurt but its funny that i got a vegatarian fish with a blood lust. my clowns peck at my hands/arm while i clean too but thats cuz i hand feed them so they think is dinner time.
heres the villian 1



I ran a fish room for 5 years while going to college and I got bit a few times. Once was by a 4 foot Tessalata. When cleaning the tank I would have to partition the tank in order to work on it. The eel broke through and nailed me right on the hand. Almost needed stiches. Pain was crazy and it became infected. It took almost a month to heal. I also got bit by a 13" Clown trigger that was 5 years old and was grown from 4 inches. He took a nice chunck out of my arm. Tim


I've had my 7" snowflake less than 3 months, and I've been bitten more times than I can count. Once, he latched on and held on till I raised my hand, eel dangling, clear of the tank and he dropped to the floor.
Besides that, an ocellaris clown, a purple tang (?!), and a niger trigger
Just bought a clown trigger, haven't tried hand feeding, but he'll get me one day.


Bitten? My lion swims a fast as he can to my hand when I put it in there to do something. It made me nervous at first. I turn my hand and show him that I don't have anything for him. He swims slowly away like he is sad. I hand feed my guys. My female maroon acts like she is going to rip my arm off and beat me with it until I put my hand in the tank. Then she acts like she is my best friend.


Originally Posted by bluering09
Today by my coral banded shrimp, he is so gangsta I m going to name lil pac.
Yeah, watch that fella. I have had one grab a fish, in mid swim, and eat his face. They can be nasty lil guys.


my snowflake eel got me one night when i was feeding my sun coral. he got my pinky, it scared the #*$(@ out of me, and i tried shaking him off, didnt work, so i just had to scrape him off against the edge of the glass..........my heart was racing all night!!