Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!


I am interested in knowing if anyone has ever put together a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank. I have an available tank that someone was getting rid of and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to begin a new chapter in my 5 year hobby. I am looking for someone to help me out and recommending the appropriate lighting. I know that question raises many questions in what I would like it to contain. I honestly don't want to spend alot but was hoping to keep liverock and manybe some carpet anemones and what not. Ultimately, my question is can it be done and what type of lighting in required, make, model, VHO, Compact and if it is feasible what type of canopy is needed.. any thought or people with success.


the problem with hex tanks is that they are deep and narrow. vho and power compact bulbs are too long to squeeze into the canopy. the best bet is metal halide. you could probably keep any corals you want and even clams if you used a 250 watt MH and 2x36 or 2x32 watt pc's for actinic suppliment. i got lucky since my 15 gal hex is big enough to fit 4x32 watt pc bulbs over it. i would build a canopy if i were you, but if your not a DIY person you could just get a halide pendent and hang it from the ceiling.


I noticed custom sealife has a compact prism( hang from the ceiling)Featuring 3-32 watt PowerCompacts
Complete with 2-10,000K 1-Ultra-Actinic all independently operated allows you to operate a dawn to dusk cycle.
or I think what you mentioned the prism pendant
Combines the power and shimmering of metal halides with 2-32 watt Ultra-Acitnic and 1-250 550k all in one compct housing.
do you have any suggestions on possible canopy's or hoods that would fit either of these designs.


with those two lighting systems you dont need a canopy. all you do is hang it from the ceiling or wall. i dont really like the look of a pendant hanging over my tank so i am building a canopy. the worst thing about building a canopy for a hex is all the angled cuts you have to make. i dont have a compound mitre saw to make the cuts, but i finally found someone who does. i hope start building it after i get back from vacation in a few weeks. if you want, i can take some pictures of the construction and give you the details on how to build it. let me know.
as for the two models you mentioned, the one with the 3 32 watt bulbs is not enough light for your tank. with less than 3 watts per gallon you wont be able to keep many corals. and the ones you could keep would have to be on the top of the tank because the pc's dont have enough concentrated light to reach the bottom of your tank. the one with the 250 watt halide sounds like what you need. the only problem is the price. those hoods cost an arm and a leg. if you look in the classified forum you could probably buy the 250 watt halide and the two 32 watt pc's seperately and save a fortune. check out hellolights.com and just see how much it would cost for the seperate components would cost. it should be much cheaper, but to do this you need a hood.
in the end the decision is yours, but i would build the canopy and buy the lighting components used or at least a retrofit kit. you will save money and at the same time build valuable DIY experience.


New Member
Also, as before mentioned : the tank is tall and narrow. This will lead to problems with circulation; you'll want to make sure that you have enough powerheads or other circulation methods to get a good current throughout the tank.


Some time ago (somewhere around June, I believe), I was going to make the same statements concerning a hex tank, and then someone with a 27 gallon hex reef posted a picture that was awesome. I don't remember who it was, but that would take care of any and all of your questions.
I would agree that power compacts or metal halides will probably fit better. The smallest VHO lights that I've come across are 24 inches, and if my memory from the 35 hex that I had 20 years ago serves correctly, that would be too large for that tank and wouldn't have enough wattage. I have a 10 with 2 32 watt pcs over it and wouldn't have any problem getting a third in.
If you have the patience to find the right size rocks and fit them together, based on the picture that I saw, you can create an awesome tank with the 35.


If you could keep me informed on how its going I would really appreciate it.. Let me know what materials and equipment your using.. send it to my addy joseph_mello@hotmail.com when you've come up with finished product. I hope it goes well, later bro


i'm dying to see someone just hang a Metal Halide pendant over one of these, i am convinced you could build a cool reef that could sit neatly in your corner--post pics when your done!