Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!


Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!
I am interested in knowing if anyone has ever put together a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank. I have an available tank that someone was getting rid of and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to begin a new chapter in my 5 year hobby. I am looking for someone to help me out and recommending the appropriate lighting. I know that question raises many questions in what I would like it to contain. I honestly don't want to spend alot but was hoping to keep liverock and manybe some carpet anemones and what not. Ultimately, my question is can it be done and what type of lighting in required, make, model, VHO, Compact and if it is feasible what type of canopy is needed.. any thoughts or people with success would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Um, not exactly, but I'm running a 44g pent reef - similar to your 35g hex. It's still in its *relatively* early stages, but so far no probs except some water quality issues. I'm keeping a bubble tip anemone in my tank, and when my water is good, he is a very happy anemone. I've got one 250w MH and 2 15w NOs in a custom built canopy. There are some pics and details on my website.


First I want to tell jackson that he's got a very nice tank.
I started with a 35g hex, but upgraded to a 59g rectangle. I had no problems with the hex, I didn't like the limitations on how rockwork could be arranged (personal opinion). I have some old pics, so you can at least see one (such as it was).


Active Member

Originally posted by jodeman
I want to tell jackson that he's got a very nice tank.

Thank you.
Originally posted by jodeman

I didn't like the limitations on how rockwork could be arranged (personal opinion).

I know what you mean... my pent has been up for about a year now, and I just finally got the rockwork setup so I like it. It must be even harder in a pent. I'll try to get some new pics this weekend of the rockwork.


Just another pic of my old 35hex. Showing the volcano (as my wife called it) rock arrangement. Oh, another thing to think about in doing a hex, is lighting. Hex tanks are very deep, requiring lots of light. I had a 250w mh pendant over mine. HTH


Wow. I like the volcano! :)
I just picked up a 30 hex with stand for $50 this past weekend from a kid for my better half's seahorse tank. I have been staying up thinking about filtration lately. What are you guys using?


Active Member
I'm using stricly biofiltration... 80lbs LS and 60 (or so) lbs LR. I have 2 powerhead for circulation. Seahorses might be more sensitive though so a protein skimmer might be a good addition to that type of a tank.


Ahh that's a bakpak. I was thinking about the natural route, but I love skimmers. Trouble is, with the hex, it is kinda tight for filters as each glass pane is only about 6-8 inches wide.
I'll figure something out. I am sure it will be overkill. ;)
Thanks guys...


Active Member
Here's a pic of my rockwork. I know it's a bad pic, but I didn't have time to clean the glass before I took the shot. I do tank maintenance mostly on the weekends so I may get better pics in a few days... but this should give you an idea.
Obviously, my PENT tank gives me some more options, but I thought it might give you some ideas. I ran rocks around the back walls of the tank, then made the pile progressively higher in the center, but still against the back wall. This allows for much more open water/swimming space should I decide to add more active/larger fish.
Now all I've got to do is get a background on the tank to hide that mess of wires in the back.


Looks cool from here! I like it.
I know what you mean about the wires.
I cringe everytime I look at my stereo.
I can't wait until everything is wireless.


Active Member

Originally posted by reeferX
I cringe everytime I look at my stereo.
I can't wait until everything is wireless.

Hehe... my stereo is the same way. I finally ended up buying a big old entertainment center and packing all the wires behind that. I still have wires running up the walls in the back of the room for my surround speakers, bu there's not much I can do about those.
Wireless is nice, but it will degrade the quality of the signal, i.e. lower sound quality.