ever had property condemed?


Have you or anyone that you know have ever had there property condemed? Where I live a man is getting about 15 acres condemed do to widening the highway. I was wondering if any of you could share what happened and what you can do to prevent it from happening in the future. I just found out that Fred Meyers Parking lot is WAY to small for the size of store so they need to make a bigger parking lot. On the back side is a huge retirement home, on the right side is a busy street, left side is apartments and then there is my house. My father told me that I should watch out cause the city might try to condem my house so that they can make there parking lot bigger. I was wondering if there is any way that I could fight it and get more for the house then what they will offer which will be property value and nothin more. I'm not planning on moveing unless they offer me what I want for it. House about worth $135k.


Active Member
I don't think the store will be able to exercise emaninite (sp)domain for a parking lot. If the road needs to be widened or highway re-routed then they can take the property. If Meyers approaches with a purchase then I suppose you could sell. But doubt Meyer's could just say that homes are in his way. The property is probably only condemed before demolition.
We had a ton of that around here when a highway was re routed for miles. Many many homes were bought out.
Now, another situation with Costco here is they are trying to buy out a neighborhood to plant themselves. They are paying huge amounts for this prime property. One man is holding out and will probably give in soon.
Always check around for "town meeting" signs or someting similar. Thats how Target got shot down from moving close to a neighborhood here. Target had to go to the city and ask to build.
100's of people showed up to protest it. It moved somewhere else. BUT, had only a few people showed up and approved it, I am guessing the rest would have been clueless and it may have been able to move in.


There is precedence for local governments using eminent domain in order to acquire property for business. Their justification for this is that the business will improve the local economy. However, this has been found to be illegal when challenged in court, I just can't recall the case at the moment.
Also local governments will condemn property so as to purchase it at much lower costs. There may also be legal challenges for this, I don't know.


Be very carefull. What big business likes to do is force you to sell. They will buy the land around yours make your property worth nothing because of traffic and then they let you unhappy for like a year or 2 and buy your land cheap. :mad:


I have talk to a few neighbors and we have all decided that we will see if the $ is right and we ALL agree to sell. My house is the closes so my property is the most important. Hey lovethesea how much did costco offer the folks for their property where you live? How much do you think the property was worth before they came (costco)? Our place isworth about 135K Maybe more with all the updates and improvements we have done to the place.


Active Member
:) this is not legal advice!
The city can use the power of eminent domain and take your property, but this would not be a bad thing

When this happens they pay very well and pay for ALL moving expenses and reasonable costs. Plus they are required to find you a comparable home and if the cost is more, then they foot the bill

this is not legal advice
I would say that it is time to party


Active Member
There are several pieces of property. One in particular has about 2 1/2 acres of PRIME property. He is getting about 2 million. :eek: The others are being offered market or a little over. Probably mid $200's . Some of those homes aren't so great, and they are taking the $$$ and running to the nearest house they find. One guy is still holding out....he has a not so great house and not so great property. But, I see where he is coming from too. Its his home and he probably figures he will go out feet first. But I've heard his family has him "coming to his scenses". :)
Stay on your toes though, and stay in touch with your city to make sure Meyers isn't trying this.