Ever hear of someone using HID lights?


I work at a sign shop and I'm going to make some new lighting for my 55.
Anyway, there are two 400 watt HID fixtures with 14k bulbs and they are soooooo bright. I was wondering if these lights would work for fish. They look similar to Metal Halides, but "charge up" when ypu turn them on and are much brighter looking (may just be me).
My other option is to use 8 HO 60 watt bulbs.
Looking into metal halide also, as it may be an option...


Active Member
MHs can be categorized under HID lighting... but do be sure they are MHs... which I'm guessing they are if it has a 14k bulb.
HID simply stands for High Intensity Discharge which a few different types of lighting fall under such as Metal Halide, Mercury Vapor, High Pressure Sodium, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoushRacer
I work at a sign shop and I'm going to make some new lighting for my 55.
Anyway, there are two 400 watt HID fixtures with 14k bulbs and they are soooooo bright. I was wondering if these lights would work for fish. They look similar to Metal Halides, but "charge up" when ypu turn them on and are much brighter looking (may just be me).
My other option is to use 8 HO 60 watt bulbs.
Looking into metal halide also, as it may be an option...

Hmmm yeah no those are completely unsuitable for aquariums. You had better ship them to me for proper disposal.


Active Member
You said " work for fish " Fish do not need strong lighting, some corals and anemones do but IMO you will not need 2 400 watters on a 55g. I think thats much too much and will burn most anything in there plus a lot of heat in the water to deal with.....IMO


I run 2 400 watt 20k's on my 60 gal, they are awsome! I do however have to cycle the lights for heat issues!


14k, more than likley halide. 2-400's are indeed a little much. I've been running one 400 over a 46 for about a year and it's plenty of light. 400's do put out mad heat though. I had mine 15 inches above the tank and didn't have any water warming issues, do have some extreme air conditioning issues in the summer though!