Ever heard of this?


New Member
I tried asking this once and didn't get any feedback. Everyone seems to have a favorite kind of live rock but does anyone use base rock for the bottom of your reef? Ever heard of using limestone as base rock? Lots of cool shapes with holes and hiding places. Pros and cons?


Active Member
I have a 55 gal reef. I put down 50lbs of tufa and lace rock as a base and added 70lbs, so far, of lr on top of that. The base rock, where it's exposed, is getting coraline algae on it. I can't see spending $6/lb for lr and burying it. You can also pick out nice shapes and sizes to build caves with. I took a hammer and chisel to a few pieces to get the right shapes I wanted.


My LFS has a few tanks that he considers base rock, but it's just LR without any coraline on it. Most of it probably comes from tanks at peoples house that he cares for and has torn down. Makes for a good deal for me! $1 a pound. I get my good LR for $3 a pound.


New Member
rblehm- I live in Lawrence Kansas and would love to ask you a few questions since you are so close! Please email me if you are interested at rachel_ch_k@yahoo.com
Originally posted by rblehm:
<STRONG>My LFS has a few tanks that he considers base rock, but it's just LR without any coraline on it. Most of it probably comes from tanks at peoples house that he cares for and has torn down. Makes for a good deal for me! $1 a pound. I get my good LR for $3 a pound.</STRONG>