Ever heard of this?



Ok, my roomate has a hippo tang with white spots all over it. They are solid white and look like someone glued them to the tang. The spots are small, bout the size of a pencil tip. My first thought was that it was ich, since the signs are white spots.
But this is what our LFS said. They said its copepods that have attached to the tang since it does hang out in the LR a lot. Ever hear of this?
The tang is swimming around fine and all the other fish are fine. the spots have been there for about 5 days now.


Active Member
HAHAHAHAHHA. Now thats funny. That tops my list of stupid LFS advice. I'll eat my words and be embarrassed as hell if im wrong but what a crock o crap. Its most likely ich. A fish doesn't have to "act" sick for it not to be ich. It can take a day to weeks for ich to set in on a fish hard. It just depends on the health of the fish.....
Wow thats funny. I wish i was told that. I would have just laughed in his face.... HAHAHAHA.


Active Member

Originally posted by SLOFish
Ever hear of this?

i have now, but i do not believe it one bit and can agree with what was alrady said:
"Ill eat my words"


How should he go about curing him. We dont have a QT yet and he does have corals in the tank.


Active Member
Hmmm... Well check out the QT sticky in the disease forum by Beth. As far as money goes you can get a 10 gallon full setup for 40 dollars last i checked.... Er maybe 50. Thats fine enough for a QT. In the long run it will end up saving you lots and lots of money. Think of it this way. If you loose the Blue tang and buy a second one thats the price of a qt right there.....
Until you can get one going try and add garlic to his diet and feed the crap out of him. 2 or 3 times day.... Just be careful not to pollute the tank. Small portions is key. Thats the best way to keep his health up.... The ich may works its way out on its own that way. I have seen it before, once....


Active Member
I was thinking do you trust this LFS? or are they just not knowledgable? There is a difference and you can really tell. I can at least. Kid this weekend was like oh look theres a new polpy growing right there and i was like "uh thats aptasia and i have something that eats that..." He said it in a "i don't know" way..... Because that kind of story is something that is either
A) A blatant lie to a, what he thinks, salt newbie, to get the fish to stay sick and die and keep ich in the tank while he keeps selling the newbie new fish to feed the ich....
B)He just doesn't know better and made up some story cause he just doesn't know.....
I know, conspiracy theory.


doesnt the QT have to cycle before the tang can be put in there.?
Its bout 3 inches now, any problems keeping him there for 3 weeks.


We go to about 4 different LFS. Kinda pop in and out to see which has the best stuff/ prices. There are 2 we trust and 2 we go to just get fish cause its much cheaper.
I dont know which one said this about the ich. Ill ask my roomate and find out. Each of the stores we trust have about 4 different people who work there. We usually try to work w/ specific people who know what they're doing. I dont know who it was exactly or which store it was, but were definitely going to avoid them next time. The people we work with who we trust are usually good about any problems we have. they helped us set up the tanks and cycle them, etc. They even asked us to bring in water samples before we got test kits to make sure everything was good before adding fish/ etc. So my guess is that it was one of the other two stores.
I know what you mean about some stores though. The LFS we go to for deals will sell you just about anything you ask for. Tang for a 10 Gal... sure. Want a red coris for your reef... OK, if you want it. I guess thats how they keep prices low... high volume.


Guffaw :eek: thats about as good as the one I heard about it being styrofoam that they were shipped in.


the fish isnt breathing rapidly. Flashing?, if you mean quick bursts from one part of the tank to the other, not yet.
what are cirolanid isopods. Are they just another form of pods?


Active Member
Pods will NOT crawl on a fish unless the fish allows it and imovable/unmoving spots on a fish are NOT pods. Nor can anything calcify on a fish like that. Its ich. Does he scratch himself at all on the rock?
He should be ok in a 10 for a couple of weeks, just provide him some hiding spots so he feels comfortable with the transition. As far as cycling check out the sticky by beth in the disease forum but i think she says you can take a handful of your sand and stick it in there, or you can do large water changes and dump that water into the new tank filling up the rest of the volume with new saltwater as well. Just remember wherever you get you water you need to match ph,salinity,and temp. Heck ask the lfs for a gallon or two of their systems water. The coral tanks water would be best. No its not bad you have to treat the water anyways or do hyposalinity anyways, just make sure it comes from an invert/coral tank, those don't have any unknown meds floating in them.
EDIT: i think the cirolanids are the little curly tubes size of a grain of pepper that grow on the glass of tanks or shells of snails. They have very tiny feathers that come out of one end kind of like micro feather dusters....

bang guy

I agree with Aaron. They could be Cirolanid Isopods. Another posibility is a fungal infection. It's not Ick IMO.
You need to post this in the disease forum so Beth & Terry can see it.

bang guy


Originally posted by bdhough
Hmmm. Guess ill eat my words :)

Don't jump the gun on that. I'm not well versed in disease. I guess I haven't learned much the hard way in that area.


Active Member
bdough...thats twice now isnt it???:p :D
EDIT: i think the cirolanids are the little curly tubes size of a grain of pepper that grow on the glass of tanks or shells of snails. They have very tiny feathers that come out of one end kind of like micro feather dusters....
Check out bangs BOTW: cirolanid Isopods.


Alright, i found out who my roomate talked to. I guess the guy running the joint has a masters degree in marine biology.
Of course, he didnt actually see the fish when he gave his opinion of the white spots being pods.


New Member
Hey SLOFish,
I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the medicine, but there is actual reef safe ich treatment that my friend was using just this past week. I can't remember the name of it, but I remember he got it from New Hampshire. I'll try and get the name of it for you. (I know it sounds like I'm talking out of my @$$ but its real and it worked)


Active Member
Well i still don't believe its pods but hey like i said if it turns out they are......
And i'm also not well versed in latin pod names :)