Ever lost a fish, and cant find him???

Yesterday I bough 2 clowns. this morning when I woke up, both fishes were there. ANd i fed them. But when I went back home for lunch one of them was gone, I looked everywhere for him and i couldnt find him. I only have 26lbs of rock. and I he cant be hiding?? Say it did dieds, would my hermit crabs, shrimps eat the body? Dead or not. I want to know what happened to him?? I even checked both my powerheads , incase he got sucked in
, both were fine. Where is my clown???:confused:
I looked everywhere. Behind the poowerhead, on top, behind the heater. everywhere imaginable, i looked. NO fish. I even looked on my hardwood floor, nothing. no fish. :notsure:


sally lightfoots go everywhere and sometimes blend better than you would think, not to hitchike this thread.
do you have any snails? I have had mine dragged under the sand by a nassarius snail.
:confused: so a snail dragged your clown uder the sand?? i have astrea snails.


Is your top secure? I've had one jump out and didn't find him till a month later. The fish will swim against a current (such as a HOT skimmer) and jump 'upstream'. Eggcrate is so sweet as a top because you can cut it to form (as long as your halides are far enough away and don't melt it) You have to cover the complete surface of the tank, otherwise the fishies will fly!


Well I should clarify. I don't think the snails attacked and brought him under. He had not been looking well. I am guessing that he died and was laying on the sand and they came up and got him. If you just have astreas, its not likely. They stay on the surface. Nassarius snails bury themselves in the substrate. In this case, they just took the clown with them
I found him. He was inside the Powerhead :eek: Dead.
:nervous: . when i got home i started moving the LR around and nothing. Then i took one of my Powerheads out. And looked inside. All I saw was the orange skin.
, YUK :nope: . Now i gotta buy a new tank mate for my other Clown. The clown was only in my tank for 12 hours before it died. Man this is an expensive hobby.


i've had two fish die on me. both times my clean up crew had them gone before i woke up. a couple of shrimp have just vanished also overnight. so yes your crabs and shrimp will dispose of the body, given enough time. how long since you last seen them?