Everybody has problems


I've been in a tight spot recently. A real tight spot. And I haven't been able to have really any fun recently. I'm gettin sad.
But I know everybody has their own problems. I could go on for quite a while about anything and everything that I think is unfair or wrong, as I'm sure most others could too. That's not what I'm going for here though. I'm trying to get an idea how other people get by their main problems and furthermore, what kind of problems those are. To be frank, sometimes I worry about my sanity and mental health. This is just my way of comparing how I feel or what I worry about to other people. See; you think i'm crazy too.
Ok, so here's my 2 cents. My car is screwed - i believe. It's been down for about a week. It started with the check engine light, which I investigated. That led to a replaced MAF sensor, spark plugs, and $160 bill. That made the problem worse; engine running very rough and mis-firing. Diagnosis was performed and the mis-fire was verified. New plug wires fixed the problem for $40 bucks. Worked that day, but didn't roll over the next time I tried to start it. Timing belt is the current thing, it's tore down in our shop and i'm footin it. What aggrevates the situation is i'm broke as hell and I have to borrow some money from my mom - that hurts my pride and my damned stubborn determination to be completely self sufficient. Furthermore, the car is financed and I'm still facing 2 years of payments, working car or not. But tha'ts not the most depressing thing. Only other thing that really has taken a toll on me is imy nability to attract and retain a girlfriend. For those who are curious why this is so depressing to me, check my post over on the "relationship advice" thread. Too long and boring to explain here.
So now, it's your turn. Complain or vent or explain what problems you've had to deal with recently that have taken years off your life (or someone else's).


Active Member
When I think I have a problem, I just think of the young soldier that was killed on any given day that left their spouse without them and their children without a parent. I then look at my lovely wife and my beautiful little girl and know that I don't have any problems that amount to anything. Makes everything that I think is a problem seem pretty small and insignificant.


Active Member
try leaving for iraq for a year... getting hit with an ied, kicked out of your career and coming back wounded with no use of your dominate arm and find out your new car was vandalized and is now totaled with $5,000 of stereo equipment un reimbersable.
and watching the 2 best friends you had, die from an IED.. 6 days before you were hit.
have a happy day and smile .


Active Member
I thanks God everyday I wake up breathing and I am not in the desert anymore. After that, it should be a good day. There is always some one else out there with bigger problems than I.

mr. guitar

Well, we've had a terrible week-end and week at our high school. One of our fellow students was killed in a car accident. It was shocking and we are extremely sad. Monday morning we had a prayer meeting for him. We prayed and cried. The entire school is devastated. Our flag was lowered to half staff and some students painted his parking space and lit a candle on it. I personally didn't know him but I'm still extremely sad. What makes everything worse is today was his mom's birthday...Visitation day. We are raising money for his family and a group of students made buttons with his picture on it to show how much we care for him. I bet he's havin the time of his life in Heaven. We are all getting through this together. It's not easy but well get through it. Please keep your prayers with his family.


Active Member
23 years old, most of us who werent born into privellege have had to suffer a few setbacks. Adversity is what strenghtens you. A few words of advice to help you through.
1. Dont get married
2. Dont use credit cards
3. And by all means dont feed your dog chili
Hang in there man, Id offer to fix your car but its a little hard to do over the net.


Active Member
As bad as one might think they have it, sometimes we all need to step back and appreciate everything that we do have and hang in there.
I thought I was having a really crappy day today, but then I remember that I have a fiancee that loves me, a healthy and happy family, and more than enough to get by and live happily and suddenly, things don't seem too bad.


That's what I figured. A family - or atleast a significant other - makes life worth living, at the least it makes all the bad stuff seem insignifacnt. I knew the war thing would come into context. I can honestly say (in my opinion) that being in a war or fighting someone else's fight would be the most depressing, life-leaching experience anyone could go through.....well, next to losing a child. I should consider myself damned lucky for not encountering either situation.
Especially coachKLM's situation. I'd be a damned bitter person in your shoes. Unless my country was taking care of my every need for my sacrifice. Which it should and better be.
I appreciate all the responses and words of wisdom. In the words of a famous and "wise" cuban; "every dog has his day". You'll get yours, and i'll get mine.


Active Member
It could always be worse...You woke up today breathing...Congratulations you get another chance..If you didnt..Game Over..Every day you wake up is a chance to do something great..Whether it is serve your country, or tell someone that their new haircut looks good..
"The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers, Only to rise again so we can start again"


You know.. when things get rough... I always remember, someone out there has it way worse than I do.... No matter how bad things get, tomorrow comes.. you work through it. When things get me down, I just look up, thank God for everything he has blessed me with and know that this will pass.... Hang in there, cars can be fixed (or replaced) and as far as borrowing from Mom.... she's probably glad to help. She know's that your trying hard to make it... I know from my own experience there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for my boy's when they need help.


New Member
My wife of 21 years passed away from cancer about two months ago. But I look to Jesus everyday for comfort. It does work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 123
My wife of 21 years passed away from cancer about two months ago. But I look to Jesus everyday for comfort. It does work.
I'm so sorry. One of my best friends lost is wife two years ago to

cancer also. She was 38 and they had two kids age 7 and 9 at the time. He is a great person and has been so strong for his kids during this time.
Be strong my friend and cherish the memories of your wife. That has been my friends life line in helping him to heal.