everybody welcom BRUIN14



he now has a clown trigger!!! nuf said? <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> :D


Active Member
that is nice, i am glad for him,a nd why is this posta ll over the place??
are you giving him a hard time??
if so please stop
we are not interested in games here, if that is the plan
i don't give a hoot if he only has a 75 gallon tank, he knows their requirements, and i hope he wil take care of them, but he does not need this deviling, i know i would not appreciate it
btw, congradulations bruins14, they are a beautiful fish(sincerely), i hope he gets off your back, i would ratehre see you have htat fish and take care of it, like get a bigger home, later on than to see this all over :D


Active Member
and, if it gets to be a prob, i am sure he will move either the trigger or the other inhabitants


Fshhub Thank You for the comments. I either plan on getting a bigger tank or my LFS will trade me when he gets to big. I talked to the LFS when i bought this fish and he said he would take it back in trade. 25Gator knows me we frequent the same LFS. He was just giving me a ribbing, Thanks again


this is a big place. you dont have to read it if you dont want! im a toysRus kid and i wont grow up! he is one of my buddies from a pet shop so, please lighten up a wee bit. why is it so aggresive in here. my 75 with 2 lions 1 niger 2 puffers 1 banded moray 1 banded shark 1yellow tang 3 diff damsel's and 2 more shark eggs does'nt have this much tention!!!! :D :D :D


Active Member
sorry, i did not know you were friends, until he answered, not the aggression, just saw it all over, and then to top it off one of them looked alil offensive, that is all, i did not like to see a good member bashed(unneccessarily), and he is a good member, and since you are friends, and just goofing, i will withdraw, it just did not look goood(especially in 3 places like that, i figured if he wanted he'd have said)
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Your tank is overstocked. First of all you shouldnt have a shark in a 75 gallon tank it is just to small for them, also sharks should never be kept with triggers and pufferfish. I would get rite of the sharks,triggers,pufferfish,eel and just have the two lionfish.


you've found the right place to come for all your SW questions, hope you like it hear and WELCOME aboard


You have an undergravel filter with sharks in it.... <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />
BIG mistake....
You should not be using CC with bamboo sharks. It can damage their tissue. You also do not have adequate filtration for all your fish.
You really should rethink your tank design and bioload.


did i mention the tank is only 2 months old!
ok well thats the other reason im in this room. even though it gets a little mean in here! i wonder why!hmm. anyway i could use some (good) advice. i know i need sand. i put some ls on top for now. but would a 180 be good for say 2-3 years with those listed above.it will have ls and lr.plus maybe a maxi-reef bio filter with 2-3 802 power heads. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Read the FAQ of filteration by risc and the aquarium sharks part 1 in the Archives & FAQ.
I would get rid of the triggerfish, and get a bigger tank around 300+ gallons soon, get a wet/dry filter.