everyone post a pic on this topic

i'm about to make a flier and i would really like to put alot of you guys's pics on the flier itself. i know alot of you have very beautiful tanks and it would to me be better than getting a pic off the net of just anyones tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Now that makes me mad!!! <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
Wamp has a better camera.....*_^
Kewl pics!!!!!!!!!

wamp those are nice pics. ok guys i have a question i'm copying your pics as you post them and pasting them onto works but when i try to minimize them some it looks like the pics have little squares in them. any suggestions.
still need help with first question but now i've got another one when i'm trying to paste another pic its saying not enought memory on works. what can i do?


Chevron Tang,
When you print them, do they still have the squares? If so, tell me what size you want them, and I will resize them and e-mail them to you or post them temporarily on my site. My e-mail address is kelly@pathway.net.


chevron- if it says not enough memory, it most likely means your running too much stuff on your computer. close some of the applications that have little icons next to the time on the toolbar.
the less you have running, the more memory on your computer is available.
oh.. and just out of curiosity.. what's your flyer for? :D
galina i thought that might be the problem but the only thing i have on the toolbar is works itself and aol. thanks alot kelly i'll print it out and see.


Hmm.. Also, some programs don't show up on the toolbar.. you can see them by opening task manager. On mopst computers that's done with
Crtl+Alt+Delete. If you continue having problems, you might want to try rebooting.. after that.. I'm stumped. :)


Ooh.. what a beautiful powder blue you have, Golfish!
My favorite fish.. too bad it'll be a long time before I can get a tank big enough to accomadate one.. =
golfish that's cute. ok i got it. and kelly i printed one out and it didn't have the little boxes. does anyone know about how much money it would take to go get about 50 color copies made at like kinkos or something.


Not sure... I would think you could get it done for under 15.. but you might want to check out thier site. Kinkos.com