Everything In My Tank Is Dead Please Help Fuckin Cowfish


New Member
I bought a cowfish last Sunday and the guy at my LFS told me that they don't get posionous untill the adult stage and now 5 days later at 8pm I fed my fish and went to work and got a call aaround 3am from my sister that all my Fish are dead, I had 6 damsels, 1 Koran blue Angel, 1 queen angel, a Bangai Cardinal, one of my feather dusters is dead my peppermint shrimp are dieing so far 2 out of 5 the only thing that has survived is 1 percula Clown and 1 pajama cardinal, I even lost a long tentacle anemone. What am I supposed to do, how can I start over, is the water still poisonous, first thing is first I am about to run into that LFS with a baseball bat and start bashing tanks but what should I do on monday when I get out of jail??????????