evil dottyback


I got a yellow and puple dottyback a week ago . Nice looking fish,but now all he dose is chase every thing aroud nipping at fish crabs snails my gobys hes just mean . Hes harder to catch than my 4 damsels were. any ideas to calm him down or capture him. Everybody i talked to said he would get along just fine do i just have a mean one.


Active Member
I dont recall you asking about them here......sorry if I missed it, I would have told you that they are little terrors indeed....


Once, years ago, I walked in the LFS and saw the coolest "Royal Gramma" I had ever seen. I got it home and placed him in my tank. That night I watched him beat the living bejesus out of everything. Turned out it was a Bicolor Pseudochromis, which in English means "The Fish only Satan could love". Oh man was he a terror. I had him in a 180 gallon and there was no freaking way I was going to break that tank down just to catch one stinking fish.
I'll tell you how I got him out. I placed a cube of frozen brine shrimp in my fish net and placed it in the tank. As the shrimp thawed, it drifted out and fed the tank. I had to do this for about a week, but once my evil bi-color got used to the net, he started racing into it to grab all of the food. One day I set the net in the water; he went in; and I yanked the net out of the tank..carrying about 3 gallons of water mind you...but I had him!!!!


do fish traps actully work or no Plus i think my clown is so nossey that he will get in there. Is there room for both then later seperate the two


Yeah, if you catch them both, just drop your clown back in the water....and then take your evil fish, find a live volcano ad drop him in it...or just get him his own smaller tank.


i just bought a bi-colored pseudo today and i was wondering if they are really aggressive or are they just bold


I wouldn't chance it . I willing to bet its mean.But if you mean bold as in terrorising the whole tank than ya To late for me ...Back to the fish traps , do you bait them or what


Originally Posted by newbesalt
I wouldn't chance it . I willing to bet its mean.But if you mean bold as in terrorising the whole tank than ya To late for me ...Back to the fish traps , do you bait them or what

You are supposed to bait them, but I've been told the commercial ones don't really work, guess the door doesn't close fast enough when needed...Try making one out of a 2 liter bottle, cut the top 1/4 off, invert it and stick it back into the bottom half of bottle, fish can get in, but not get back out...I was going to try that for the flame angel in my tank that is a terror, but he is too smart, so I'm thinking of trying the shrimp cube in the net trick with him, that might work....


Got my bi-color dottyback
but i had to take every peice of lr out then she wasn't any where in the tank..
but than as i looked in the water of the bucket and she was in the bucket....somehow. So I started taking each rock out and waiting to see her in the bucket...She is now off to the lfs . Also got stabed by my urcin 3 times in the process
But at least i got to redo my tank


my bi-color has been there for almost a day now and my inhabitants and it are co-existing , when does it get evil?


To have bigger fish then the dotty back.
My medium yellow tang keeps him in the rock, he chases the yellow tail damsel left over from when my wife and I nuked the aquarium to get 6 damsels out!!!!!!!!!
The yellow tang is the judge, jury, and executioner of my tank....
I would say that once things get established you'll barely see him.
I see mine about 15 minutes until the yellow tang chases him back in his hole.