Evil Tang?


If you don't remember, or didn't see it, I'm the one who posted, "My poor little wrasse...". My wrasse was apparently not doing well. Now it seems he has a large wound in his side. I think he is done for. He is lying on the bottom of the tank, hiding.
Is it possible the tang did this? Earlier, when the wrasse attempted the clean the tang, he must've given the tnag a little nip because the tang acted pissed and started chasing him around the tank for about 5 seconds.
Thanks for any imput..


When I worked in a local LFS we would ocasionally get a fish that would develop a sore and die. Only thing we could think of was arscinic poisoning from being caught??


if the wrasse was becoming weakened/badly stressed out; ANY other tank mates might take advantage of an easy meal or simply just to rid the tank of diseases tankmate...