EWWW! 8" thin worm swimming around???


This morning I woke up and went over to look at my tank. Now I should preface this with the fact that I have a mortal fear of any white worm-like things (maggots, tapeworms, grubs, etc). To my shock and disgust, I see this 8" worm swimming freely near the top of the tank!! He moves about by whipping the front inch or so in circles. He's very thin, may a millimeter or so in diameter, and if I look very closely, I can see that it looks like he has segments under a sort of "skin" about 3 or so mm long.
What is this thing?? This tank has been running for years and I've never seen it. There's live rock, a torch coral, a mandarin, an urchin, and assorted snails calling it home.
UPDATE: omg it broke apart!! Now there's a 6" unidentified worm segment somewhere in my tank waiting to crawl across my hand!!
