Exactly how do I put in a closed loop?...


I keep hearing about them and can't find anything real definite about putting one in. I am ordering my tank next week. It is a 125 drilled with 2 corner overflows. I am thinking that a closed loop utilizes drilled holes also? Can I have them drilled in when they are drilling my overflows. Where would I need to tell them to do it? The tank is 72 long by 18 wide by 22 tall. Then how do I fix it up? I am not very handy, but hubby is. If I could show him a photo or a drawing or something in detail he could probably figure it out. But I can't find anything like that out there. Can anyone help me. Thanks so much. I really want to do it right the first time rather than come back and modify after time goes by.


Active Member
If you think you will not have enough FLOW comeing back into the main tank from the return pump/s in the sump, then...
People add powerheads inside the tank. but there ugly, so...
A closed loop is simply useing an external pump that sits outside, behind or under the tank and the intakes and outtakes are plumbed to the pump either over the top of the tank useing U fittings or plumbed to holes that are drilled in the tank at spots that YOU feel will work best or a combination of both.
Many different ways and places and sizes to use.
If you know how much flow your sump pumps will give you and you want more then the amount of extra you want will tell how big of pump you need and from there you can tell the size and number of holes and tubeing or pipes, ect.


Active Member
On a 125 with 2 corner overflows just make sure to use 2 powerfull pumps for the returns, like 2 mag 12's and you will be fine you will have more than enough flow. You will have 2 1200 GPH pumps on your tank.


i have 120 gallon + 2 over flow and i use 1 mag drive 1200 . you need to know that if you have the standard over flow you can push just 600 gph on each pipe. i thought to run with mag 18 (1800gph) but i heard from a lot of ppl that do so change back to the mag12 because to things they have over heat and a lot of noise from the pipe.
i put in my tank 2 seio m2600 ph (rated 2600gph). and i have more 2 ph 540 gph inside, i do this because i decide to run bare bottom. if you run with dsb so maybe you will need a small ph.
tomorrow i am getting more 50lbs of live rock (i will be with total of 200lbs) and i will start to run all with the sump and all the pump , after i see how the detritus collects out from the tank then i will deicde if i need more ph.
i think that the best way is to start with the mag1200 and then to add more ph in the tank.
i see now that your tank 72" i don't know if you can afford that but the tunze stream pump with the controller are the best ph today (about $890) and i look to on the new vortec they will be in the market in the spring but i think they will be expensive to.