Active Member
I just picked up a baby atlantic blue tang from my LFS. The guy said they only get 1-2 in a year and that it's one of the more rare species in the hobby. I just liked it because it was a pure white tang. I asked him what it would look like as an adult and he showed me this picture, listed below. WOW what a beautiful fish... so I bought it for $50.
So is this fish really as rare as the LFS guy said? Did I get a bad deal? I know SWF sells them for $32 but they never have them in stock.... which helps the rarity theory.
Also, does anyone else have an Atlantic Blue Tang? If so, post some pics!
So is this fish really as rare as the LFS guy said? Did I get a bad deal? I know SWF sells them for $32 but they never have them in stock.... which helps the rarity theory.
Also, does anyone else have an Atlantic Blue Tang? If so, post some pics!