Exactly how rare IS the Atlantic Blue Tang?


Active Member
I just picked up a baby atlantic blue tang from my LFS. The guy said they only get 1-2 in a year and that it's one of the more rare species in the hobby. I just liked it because it was a pure white tang. I asked him what it would look like as an adult and he showed me this picture, listed below. WOW what a beautiful fish... so I bought it for $50.
So is this fish really as rare as the LFS guy said? Did I get a bad deal? I know SWF sells them for $32 but they never have them in stock.... which helps the rarity theory.
Also, does anyone else have an Atlantic Blue Tang? If so, post some pics!


Active Member
not rare at all but not that commonly kept due to the fact they do better in schools which require a large tank and prone to infections and disease if your planets arent aligned (water quality, proper size tank, healthy specimen(s), a little good luck never hurts).
pure white? Juvi's should be distinctly yellow:

and while changing:


Here is a picture of mine. I bought it in Germany. I though it was a weird hybrid yellow tang. After I got home I did some more research and found what it was. I loved the fish and I never had any problems with it.



Active Member
Pure white???? As juvenilles they are bright yellow with blue around the eyes and outlining the fins. I too never see them at the LFS but have had several over the past 20 years. Very tough to keep healthy for me. They really don't get the awsome almost purple/blue coloration till they get bigger. Even then, they have a habit of losing that color when unhappy and reverting to a blander brown coloration.


Active Member
Well he's about 3/4" long... he's a tiny guy. I know he's an atlantic because he forms vertical shadow looking lines when he sleeps. I'll have to get some more pics up later today.


Active Member
I jsut tried to get a pic but he's too fast and my iphone lags in taking pic. I'll get the nikon dslr out later tonight. Upon looking more closely at him, he is definitely a stark white, but he does have blue circles around each of his eyes.
My only guess would be that maybe he's pre-juvenile???


Even at that small they should be a vibrant yellow... I just came back from diving in the Florida Keys, and I saw tons of these little fish. They were probably about 1/4-1/2" and were already yellow.


Active Member
Ok here are some pic's. I know they're blurry... I took them with my phone and i hate the click-lag! I'd take more but the lights were off when I got home. I'll take more tomorrow.
I am certain of two things: It is definitely some kind of tang - It definitely has blue abound it's eyes.
What do you think it is?



Active Member
As of this morning, his top fin has turned a little yellow with blue tip... the rest of him is still white. I guess he just really is that young.


They are very common. I see them all the time when diving, but are very hard to catch. I hope you have a quarantine for him. Because you should see ick in the next couple of days. You picked out a great looking fish by the way.