

This is a great site message board. I just got a Bio-Cube 8 for christmas and very exicted to get it up and running. All I have right now is LS and premixed saltwater. Its been running for about 4 days now and the LFS said that I should add LR and could add a clowfish but I am thinking I will just put in the live rock for now and let it run and see how that goes with all the water test. All of the pictures I have seen are awsome. I only hope that my tank will look as good. I really love Demarti tanks awsome job.


Active Member
PLease dont torture the clown by introducing it during the cycle.
your right in thinking you should introduce the live rock first, Patience is a virtue. remember that guy at the fish store is trying to make money off you. if he sells you one clown now and it doesnt make it through the cycle thats two clowns he's selling you in the end.
I reccomend at least 30 days (if everything tests ok) add some food or dead raw shrimp to help start the ammonia cycle. your tank is gonna go through a diatom phase soon (commonly reffered to as new tank syndrome) or the ugly phase.
I hope your new tank brings you much happiness and joy.


I am VERY new to this, and seem to learn better by mistakes, so other than this one piece I am not qualified to give advice...NO FISH YET! I've already made that mistake! Spent 3 months spending needless money and chasing my tail (which I NEVER caught) and feeling horrible guilt over almost killing my clowns
. In order to save them I had to move my fish to another tank. Yesterday I completely drained and disassembled my tank and started over...minus the fish, and listening to the people on these boards
rather than the LFS for advice!
cc in tx


Do you think I should remove the bioballs and replace them with LR rubble and filter floss? I notice a lot of people remove the LR.
Thanks for the advice I am sure I will have tons of questions as I have only kept freshwater fish and still have a 40gallon freshwater tank with about 10 cichlids


yea you could use the live rock rubble if you wish, butif you've got bioballs already in there i figure just leave' em be...
Man, that pisses me off though... i dont believe the guy at the lfs told you to buy a clownfish FOUR days into the process... guess those jerks will do ANYTHING to make money off of newcomers... im glad u didnt buy the little critter, it'd be floatin upside down within days from all the ammonia buildup.