Exciting Hobby!!


I'm cycling my tank and it's amazing how much fun we're having just watching rock. I guess it's the cold weather settling in on the midwest. I've got live rock and there a few things I don't know what they are....... Any input would be appreciated.....
I have about a 1/2 diamater white little coil. It's coiled around about 6 times then tails off for about an inch. I'm told it's a tube worm. But all the pictures I find don't look like it.
I have a moss or fuzzy type of material growing in nickle to quarter size areas on a rock. One patch is white, the other is brown and a third is tan. The pattern within the texture and colors kind of looks like a soccer ball. I haven't pictures that match this either on the web.
The last is the most intriguing. There is a white speck about 1/2 the size of a pencil eraser on one rock. Exciting huh... Then I noticed the other day some red area near it on the rock... whoooooo color...... Can you tell we're new to this.... Then today my girlfiend noticed the red part was getting bigger and was kinda fuzzy. We went to show it to the kids (who are anxious for fish. They've named the rocks and the red thingy...) and it was gone. Darn, it probably died or fell off... Then she looked again and it was there. I looked and said your nuts, it's gone and left the room. Again she's telling me it's there. I came back and again called her crazy, becuase it's not! Then all the sudden it slowly creeps out of the rock! Wow... Life. In my tank... It comes and goes, but we can't really see it well enough to know what it is. Any ideas???
We can hardly wait to get fish...


Active Member
Welcome to the hobby!!!!!!!!
I don't know which is more exciting more tanks or watching my bank account dwindle :hilarious , but trust me it's worth the overtime at work IMO


same here... everytime I get my check, I pull out about $100.00 and get some stuff for my tank. I just love it.


I hope you never lose this enthusiasm through many happy years in this hobby!!! :cheer:
:cheer: I'm almost a year into it and I sure haven't!
Sorry but I can't help with the hitchiker ids
Surely someone will come along who can. Is it possible for you to put up pics of them? That would probably help tons!
The coil could still be a tubeworm of some kind. If I remember right some of them do make a little coil type shelter to hide in. Maybe try squirting a tiny drop of something, some kind of liquid invert food, at what you guess is the entrance and see if one day something doesn't pop out. Maybe it's some kind of little fanworm and wouldn't that be exciting
But it's also possible that whatever animal lived in it didn't make it in shipping and will just turn out to be an interesting spot on your liverock. For me some of these "interesting spots" on the rock are fun too though! I always search the rock after I cure it to find these neat spots so that I can place the rock where I can see them. Several of ours have what looks like some kind of encrusting coral skeletons, little tubes like you describe, and stuff that's always cool to see.


i have millions of those little coiled tube-looking things on my LR. These were homes to some sort of worm, but they didn't survive through shipping. They're very interesting... remind me of those fossils of coiled things... do you know what i mean?
Welcome to the hobby, and i hope you keep your excitement!!! It gets better and better... soon you'll have tanks in every room of your house...