Okay so Im a halo 3 fan boy. Flame me, whatever. I really like the story behind Halo, so thats why Im freaking out with joy about this trailer. It says a new campaign experience on Halo 3, yet the trailer looks nothing like what Ive seen. I would really like this to be a new game, like Bungie/MS originally stated. They had a counter on their website, leading up to the presentation, when MS pulled the plug a whopping couple of hours before it was to go on, stating "We needed to cut back on time." (GameInformer Magazine)
The trailer also had some dialogues released about it, 2 of them. One just being random ramblings from what seems like a machine having an error, and the other got me happy. Its like a commander yelling at his squad to do this and that, and then also talking to someone. Mystery person is asking for a squad, and the commander says if he survives the attack, he will have it.
Heres the fun part.... (DARE = what I think is a Spartan)
SMN.ACTUAL]: “Enough, Captain!”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive this attack..."
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “I will deploy per my orders from Fleet HQ!”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Please. Read my request.”
[STATIC (2.8179s)]
[EXPLOSION (3.0194s)]
[STATIC (7.4501s)]
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Didn’t think you S1 types ever left your cave.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Desperate times...”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Alright, Captain. You’ve got your squad.”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive the attack."
[EXPLOSION (2.9016s)]
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “And right now? That’ll take a genuine act of God.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I’ll see what I can do.”
Okay I finished. Heres a link to the above dialogue:
And heres a link to the rambling dialogue...
And heres a link to the trailer itself...