Expensive Fish


look this name up its buetiful but the most expensive fish i have ever seen.....
Clarion Angel $3,499.99
lol wanna buy 4?


From what I have heard, Clarions were illegal to catch till earlier this year, so they are in high demand.


Active Member
One place online has one reduced to $2499; you're in luck. Most Clarions come from Mexico (I think), so the price would include the customary $1500 bribe. They have some conspic angels in the $2500 price range too. All with a 14 day guarantee! (If on day 13, it doesn't look perfect, kill it. My love of sea creatures ends well below $2500.) But I really like that company, so I'll stick with cheaper fish.
Watch. Someone with unlimited funds will buy one and there'll be a new thread in a week or so that says "HELP! MY DAMSELS ARE TEARING UP MY CLARION ANGEL!'


Active Member
Clarions are actually quite aboundant. There are litterally millions of them. They are found all over the south pacific (mainly Mexico). They were illegal to harvest for around 10 years. This year (about 4 months ago) the Mexican government allowed a harvest of around 500 of these specimen (all under 7"). This was a legal catch and the fish went to collectors faster than they could be bagged.
Their price was around $5k per fish at the beginning. This ensured that you had a fish in hand.
Now that there has been another harvest of them, the price has dropped in half. They are still very rare in trade and that is due to the cost of harvesting them.
The license for harvest is big money, plus the boat out to the remote areas they are found, plus the nice increase in gas, plus the shipping back to the states.
Right now you can get one on another site for $2400. I would say within time you will be able to get them for $1000 or less.
It is all about supply and demand. Ask OPEC, they will give you an idea :)


The LFS i work at just got three in and we had three the first batch that was collected. I think they're going for $4,500. Beautiful fish, all looking great and eating two days after arrival! If you have the money for them ive been told that they're basically an orange passers angel, so they're pretty hardy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Clarions are actually quite aboundant. There are litterally millions of them. They are found all over the south pacific (mainly Mexico).
i didnt know mexico was in the south pacific


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Yeah yeah yeah...I meant what Namas05 said. Wrong choice of wording. Not the Asian south pacific...my bad...
Yeah south of America pacific. What would you call that anyway?


Active Member
The South Pacific reaches almost to Antarctica, I think. So I guess we may be feeding south pacific krill to our fish.