!!!! Expert help please and advice!!!!


If I use 100% live sand and live rock
do I have to cyclye the tank?
This is what I am planning to do for the next 2 days
just bought another 55 G for my 2 pair clowns (Cinamon and True Perucla) seperate by plastic egg crates and live rock to ensure they don't see each other.
add about 80lbl live sand and about 50 - 60 lbls live rock(more if I have to)
40% water from my 75G Reef tank which housing the fishes right now
and 60% new mixed salt water.
I don't have to wait for the tank cycle correct? We can assume that the salinity and temperture are good. I wondering what happen to the nitrate/nitrite/ammonian stuff etc...
I want to move my 2 pairs to this tanks ASAP but don't want to kill the fish(really who want to have 2 breading pair die)


Active Member
No expert here, but I'll give you my opinions.
No one can guarentee the tank will not cycle. That would be irresponsible speculation.
IMO - the tank must cycle to some degree. You will most likely have some die off on the live rock if it's new. If it's coming from an established tank - you'd still have some die off but not near as much.
Adding 100% live sand may or may not prevent a cycle. Depends on the quality of the live sand and it's bacteria population. If it's good live sand, it will certainly help speed any cycle the tank may go through, and recommended if you are pressed for time.
Again, no one can predict a 100% no loss of fish though.
I would suggest setting up the 55 with the live sand and live rock with 100% newly mixed saltwater.
Insure the saltwater is correct pH and salinity, then let the bacteria do their thing. Monitor the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, and see what happens. When it's safe - add your fish.
What do you have in your 75 reef tank. If you have corals and inverts, I would hesitate removing 40% of it's water if possible.
What is the reason for removing these two mated pairs of clowns from your 75 quickly ???


thanks for the reply broomer
1 cinimon pair are in the 75G reef tank
1 True Perula pair are in the Pet-a-House Container placed inside the 75G reef (for 3 days now)
I want to do this quick with the only reason
I would like my fishs to have adequate water volume and stress free environtment.
My True Perulas are in Pet-a-house container and this container is not very big(I think it is smaller than 2 1/5 gallons tank, IOM way too small) and
My Cinamon Clowns are constantly mark their territory around the tank by open their mouth(I learned from the Clown Book) They don't usually have that behavior before I added the Pet-a-house contaner with Percula Clowns.( I think they are stress out in the pass couple days)
My 75 Reef has
Mushroom (inclunding striped, hairy, purple etc. properly about 40-50 poly total)
2 Brain Corals (with the size of 20 oz water bottle)
2 Green Sun Flower( I think that what they called) :-(
1 Xenia
3 medium Encrusting Gorgonia
3 medium anemome(I don't really know what kind, but they sting the heck out at me if I'm not carefull enough, these anemomes will be move out to my new 55G tank.
1 green madarin
1 black cab basslet
1 pygmy angel(i wish there is away to identyfi their ---)
1 lawnmover plenny
and those clowns


Active Member
it will cycle, but if you use well cured lr, adn the ls, it may do so in a very short period of time, possibly less than a week, but i would not make any guarentees, it is only possible


Active Member
I agree with the above comments. With any addition, and I mean any... the tank will cycle. However, the cycle may be so short and so moderate that it has no effect on the system. You will get a cycle, but it will be shorter and much more moderate than a standard cycle. It will probably only last a week or so, and your levels may not reach threatening extremes.


I have used Nature's Ocean live sand 5 times now and as long as you use 1 lb/gal you will not have a cycle. That is providing you don't add more than a few fish at first. The product produces an instant cycle with their patented process and contains all the bacteria needed to cycle the tank. The live sand produces no cloudy water so within minutes the tank can be ready for you to use. I used this product in (2) 20's,30,55 and just a few weeks ago a 75,never a problem, try it you will be pleased with the results.


Active Member
tanks willll cycle, but some things may make them go very fast, but it does happen
ls, sometimes may do most of it in a day, but it does happen, the cycle also consists of growing bacteria(which is already present in the ls), and grows it on every thing, the glas, sand, teh filter and pumps, the heater


thank you all for your inputs
I bought 80 lbls of instant cycled live sand mention above.
New salt water mix 55G
ordering 50 lbls liverock.
This is new setup cost for 55G and this is FOWLR tank
55G Tank = $90
Iron Stand = $80
2 Double Lights from HomeDepot = 4.99 Each (160 W total)
50 lbls LiveRock = $200
80 Live Sand cover from 3-3.5 inches = $120
2 Skilter 400 as = $48 each (total of 800 Gallon / Hr)
1 MaxiJet Power Head = $18
What do you think?


Active Member
Throw a heater and some decent light bulbs in the mix and I think you are on your way to having a nice 55 fish tank w/live rock and sandbed !
Wish you much success Krusk !!!


Yes, I do not have a heater yet
will get it tonight right after work
i have 2 atinic blue and 2 10000K bulbs on their ways
thanks you