Experts! Pom Pom Crab with a clutch of eggs.


Two hours ago I purchased two Pom Pom Crabs. When I got them home I noticed that the larger one has a clutch of orange eggs underneath her body.
What should I do?
Has any one had expierence with raising crab young?
Should I just leave her alone and let nature take it course?
Are the eggs fertile?


Im interested to hear what others opinions are...
I suppose you would need to be able to feed them really little stuff and keep them away from anything that might eat them... like maybe even mom or dad..

nm reef

Active Member
In all likelyhood they'll quickly become part of the food chain...same as when shrimp hatch broods. But that is kewl to have a fertile pair in your tank. They should provide lots of natural food chain diversity. I keep pairs of three different types of shrimp...they are nice they often hatch and provide food for corals/fish. I've never made any attempts to save them...but I've heard it can be done.