explain to me


Hang-on Refugium,,can someone tell me the pro's and con's of this?becuse im about to setup my 29 gallon tank,,for salt water,,,yes i will be adding corals and fish,,and all that stuff.....please tell me more about it.....thank you,,,,,,,and if its worth it....?does it takes place as a skimmer and a overflow?


I say, yes, it's always worth it. They help reduce nitrates with the proper plant life in them and are a great place to grow micro organisms.
As far as skimmers and overflows go, I believe most of the HOB varieties have a powerhead that pumps the water in and I have seen a model online that has a built in skimmer. I have not heard much about the quality of the skimmer though. But even if it sucks, I think something is better than nothing.

keith burn

Active Member
How big is refugium?
I have one on my 75gal works grate.
The bigger the better...
I think fug/skimmer go hand in hand.
The best two things for a s/w tank.


hmmm,,not really sure what size im goona get?but i have a 29 gallon that i was wanna set up so bad.....so xman u think i should go for the refugium?actually i saw this thing on ----,,were it comes with all the pumps and skimmers and everything u need for a sump?its like $249...so ur happy with ur refugium burn?


Active Member
Originally Posted by B.N.G
hmmm,,not really sure what size im goona get?but i have a 29 gallon that i was wanna set up so bad.....so xman u think i should go for the refugium?actually i saw this thing on ----,,were it comes with all the pumps and skimmers and everything u need for a sump?its like $249...so ur happy with ur refugium burn?
Any fuge is better than nothing, but I have a hard time swallowing $250 for something that holds what 3 gallons at the most. I paid the same price for my sump/fuge off e--- and is a 29 gallon tank, with skimmer, lights, pump etc.


well i orederd the full kit???freakin a $249,,on ----...cant wait to set it up,,so hows it doin so far hot883,,,,ur sump?


I have a 25g tank and i've read about sumps/fuge on this site and it's worth setting up but i don't know how big should my sump/fuge be on my tank. what would the ideal size be?