external or biological fitler?????????????????

marine qa

To clarify, when you say "external", do you mean a hang-on filter like a Whisper or an Emperor, or do you mean a canister filter that sits off to the side of the tank; and when you say "biological", do you mean LR/LS, or something else.
A disadvantage of a 20g is that when something goes wrong with your water quality, e.g. something dies and produces ammonia, the ammonia levels will become a big problem quickly. This will require an exceptional filtration system.
I looked over your other posts. Do you have LR or LS? What filter do you have now?


I'm also guessing your question is: biological filter or power filter? I say go with something like a millenium 3000 that has biological and chemical in one. You also want some live rocks to help with the biological. One thing is that millenium 3000 can be a little too long for a 20 gal to hang anything else in the back: such as a protein skimmer.
Oh! and cpr bakpak 2 would be great too.


you must have a biological filter. the tank won't happen without one= lr and ls is the best but you can use a wetdry. You may want a nice carbon hangon filter but a skimmer like a cpr would be nicer. You still can use carbon.Depends on what your keeping