External Pump Selection


I am looking to upgrage the pump from my refugium to my tank. Possibly make a closed loop system instead. Does anyone know of a good (somewhat cheap) 1000-1500 gph pump.


OK had to look it up, The Velocity t-4 would give you 1225 gph at a three foot head. I have the T-3 at 800 gal per 3 foot head and these titanium centrafugal pumps are the quietest pumps that I have experienced.


When I make my closed loop setup I want to have 2-3 outputs on my 45 gallon tank. What would anyone reccommend the output be for the pump so I will have a good, but not too strong current coming out of the outlets. I know I can put ball valves on the outlets to slow them down but I would rather not.


I just redid my 55 gal tank, building in a centered 12X5 prefilter box with returns on either side(2) and a friend suggested using a Mag-drive pump..I believe I got the 1800 and at 3 foot it does 1500. I am using the pump externaly and placed a sticky-sided, thin foam mat under it before instalation (so its not directly on the wood of the stand)and it is super, super quiet! It has been working great and does very little heat transfer...also the best part it was only like a 120 bucks!.....they have them at http://www.***********.com
Hopefully that helps...Chris


yeah, a ton of people seem to really like the Mag-Drives. I took their advice and ordered 2 myself...
they can be submerged or external.


I always thought I was going to have to spend alot of CASH for a good pump..Well mag-drive showed me I was wrong.....I cold get a great one for little money..thanks Mag-Drive. SO VERY QUIET..is what ilike best.


I agree...this is what I paid.
MagDrive 700gph Water Pump $52.95
MagDrive 950gph Water Pump $69.95
I've seen other brands for $200-250.
I'd be totally lost without the swf.com message board.
I was looking at mag drives at another site and there was a cautionary note stating.
"Note: Mag-Drive pumps are not recommended for external use."
Do people still use these in an external application? What are the results? How do they compare to the Velocity series of pumps?