Extra 75g - Any fun ideas for it ?

Since I upgraded I now have an 'extra' 75g tank that I do not know what to do with. It has a beautiful stand, and I have the 'old' 260w CF lighting fixture, a few power heads, and a couple 330gph bio wheel filters.
I was curious if anyone had any unique or fun thoughts for something in this tank? I am not itching to set it up, but if someone comes up with a very original/fun/unique idea I might be game for it.
Just here to see how creative you can get!


Well-Known Member
Here's an idea, 75g tank - Make a computer case out of it! Simple to do...
Attach a motherboard to an ATX computer case, cut the comp case side out. Then make sure it fits in the 75g tank where the ISO panel will be out of any liquid and so you can use it later.
Then, put the power supply, LED lighting, motherboard, and everything in the 75g tank. Do not put your hard drive or CD drive in the tank though. Then, fill your aquarium up full of mineral oil, but don't cover your IO panel.
Put in a powerhead in your tank to stir up the oil. Then, plug everything in and turn on the computer!
Explanation: Mineral oil doesn't conduct electricity.
Youtube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtufuXLvOok
First off, I don't know if it's the angle that you took the photo of your tank in your avatar but it looks REALLY cool.
As far as a use for the 75g...
Make it into a coffee table filled with dry sand, fake corals and a tropical scene.


Well-Known Member
Man, I like that coffee table idea. Put a nice piece of acrylic over the top of it - prop your feet up - Nice!