ive got an extra 29gal bocube stock lighting and everything and dose any1 has any ideas what i should do with it i already have1 with coral and eveything so i wanna do something dif any got any good ideas?
You should do a blue ring octo tank that would be cooler. we got a few at the store hard to get them in alive though but its cool watching them rip apart crabs.
Originally Posted by peef
Start a seahorse tank or something like that. An aggresive species tank....OH OH OH or a MANTIS SHRIMP OHHHHH I like that idea!
i was thinking mantis shrimp too but unless hes doing corals also thats kind of a big tank for only 1 mantis.
You should do a blue ring octo tank that would be cooler. we got a few at the store hard to get them in alive though but its cool watching them rip apart crabs.
OMG i just watched a vid on youtube of 1 eating a crab holy crap i want 1 so what dose it just need LR?
they stay very small and as stated the toxen the produce is deadly and will kill you quickly on top of that when you get bite you probably wont even know that you were I would stick to something not as venemous
for seahorse nah just go down to the seahorse forum and do some reading they are great fish with alot of personality but do take some work in tank. care, and feeding.