ok, here is my problem- about 3 weeks ago i did a salinity check on my 29 gallon tank BUT the reading was off the chart. it registered way too high! so asuming it was correct, i quickly did about a 1/3 water change to still give me the same reading, so i did about a 1/2 water change trying to lower it but i still got a reading off the charts. so i called a friend to take a look at my tank, and it turned out that my hdrometer was broken! NOW the actual reading was way too low. finally with my friend's help, we got my salinity up to par and everything back to normal BUT here is my new problem:
after this ordeal ( i have 3 fish- clownfish, striped damsel, and a blue damsel) and after my shrimp and starfish had died, my clownfish just spends all his time swimming up and down the glass! he is not rubbing or scrating against the sides or the rocks, he just swims sideways all day long. his body is perfect, not a scratch or parasite present.
my blue damsel stays at the bottom of the tank, never has she gone up once since my problem, his fins are frayed but not bad. she just stays at the bottom, doesnt hardly swim, just stays in one spot. she doesnt seem to have trouble breathing. mabey she is blind? she doesnt even come up to eat. she will only eat if you put the food infront of her (makes no attempt to swim away) also her color changes freq. she goes from her bright blue to a dark black color then back to blue!
on another note, my stripe fish is acting as normal as ever. swims and eats and seems perfectly normal. so ANY help would be aprreciated, i know this is a lot but i have never had a problem like this and no one seems to know what is wrong
thanks a lot for any help! 
after this ordeal ( i have 3 fish- clownfish, striped damsel, and a blue damsel) and after my shrimp and starfish had died, my clownfish just spends all his time swimming up and down the glass! he is not rubbing or scrating against the sides or the rocks, he just swims sideways all day long. his body is perfect, not a scratch or parasite present.
my blue damsel stays at the bottom of the tank, never has she gone up once since my problem, his fins are frayed but not bad. she just stays at the bottom, doesnt hardly swim, just stays in one spot. she doesnt seem to have trouble breathing. mabey she is blind? she doesnt even come up to eat. she will only eat if you put the food infront of her (makes no attempt to swim away) also her color changes freq. she goes from her bright blue to a dark black color then back to blue!
on another note, my stripe fish is acting as normal as ever. swims and eats and seems perfectly normal. so ANY help would be aprreciated, i know this is a lot but i have never had a problem like this and no one seems to know what is wrong