eye candy

nm reef

Active Member
Once again thanks are due...this time specifically to kelly....he gave pointers on how to go about re-sizing pics to be able to post images....thank you sir....not only does this board help to set-up & maintain systems...but other help is to be had also.....not the best pic available but I was able to re-size it ....put it on my web page..then put it here without taking a square mile to see it...for me thats progress......now at a later date I'll be able to offer some serious eye candy...but this is one of my favorite corals.....sorry for taking your time...*_^

nm reef

Active Member
Thats why this thread was posted.....I think about 6 would work best....but then I'm a rookie just figureing this stuff out....lol

joseph mcdonald

New Member
sorry guys but inches isn't the issue... its pixels ;)
depends if the guy on the other end is looking at it in 800x600 (often used) or higher.. I have 17" monitor and resolution is 1024x768 but sometimes higher.. max pic size i recommend would be 640x480 :)