Eye Problem-Puffer-


New Member
I have a porcupine puffer. He has a air bubble in his eye. It started small and now it is large and deforming his eye. I have put him in a breeder cage for protection. He still eats well. What can I do for him? Will he lose his eye? Is there a cure? Please help.


what other things are in the tank with him do you have any live rock if not treat with tri sulfa for bacteria infection it says it is good for pop eye .
[ April 25, 2001: Message edited by: 03 ]


New Member
No inverts in the tank. I will check it out thank you. It gets worse every day. I would really like to pop it, but I think I will end up hurting him.


New Member
My biggest problem with air is when the tank level drops and the pump sucks in air and fills the tank. The tank will be fine one minute and the next it is full of bubbles. Sometimes for hours (until I get home from work to fill it) any way to avoid this?


Personally, I check my sumps in my two larger tanks twice a day to avoid such a problem. If my pump section is dropping to say, about 2-3 inches above the pump, I will add about 4-8 cups water directly into the pump section of the sump. With my little tank, I check it twice a day as well, but will not let the water level get lower than 2 inches from the top. However, I had no idea air bubbles could cause such damage! What about all the wave makers on the market, I wonder? They create lots of air bubbles, at least mine does.
I wish you luck with your puffer, I have no suggestions, just good thoughts!


I have been reading your posts about the air bubbles with great interest. My wave maker in my 120 shoots a lot of air bubbles into the tank, both big and little tiny ones...as a matter of fact, since I cleaned it two days ago, it is saturating the tank with tiny bubbles. Would this possibly create a similar problem as a pump running dry? My 120 is an aggressive setup, with some of the fish you mentioned as being prone to this problem you are describing, mainly a marine betta (my absolute favorite fish out of all my tanks!) and a soon to be added spiny puffer.


Hi Trey,
The wave maker is a Power Sweep 228, used in conjunction with an 1100 Rio powerhead for circulation. I am thinking seriously about putting another 1100 Rio in, I have an extra one. I do not have a wet/dry, but use a CPR 194 sump, with a 3500 Rio pump, and of course the protein skimmer is attached to that unit.
With the bubbles themselves, when I first connected it, it used to just shoot big bubbles and they would dissipate quickly. Now, after I cleaned it thoroughly, it is still shooting the big bubbles, but also these tiny ones, almost like what the return line would do if the sump pump were running dry, just not as many. The bubbles, big and little, are coming from the spout, at least that is what it looks like.
If this is something I should be concerned about, I would sincerely appreciate your input. Believe it or not, the ONLY reason I even set up the 120 is for my marine betta!


Hi Trey,
Thanks! Ok, that is making sense to me. The powersweep actually sits partially out of the water and has a little air tube. It sucks air from this tube, then blows it and water into the tank. As I have mine facing from front to back, versus side to side (my hood and canopy prevent the other direction) the big bubbles hit the side of the tank, and disperse into little tiny ones. However, since I cleaned it, the bubbles are everywhere. I will take it apart...AGAIN...and see what is up.
Thanks again!