Eye problem

bean 1

Here's the problem. I recently purchased a coral beauty for my 46g bow and the next day his eye appeared to be a little swollen, cloudy and ragged as it were traumatized or the fish has the early signs of popeye. Is there any way this will resolve on its own without affecting the fish. He appears to be swimming well and doesn't have any other signs of trauma or disease. it would be impossibe to catch this fish. He pops out of the cave work but there is close to 100# of live rock and I can't catch him unless I move all the rock out. I don't want to risk killing the other inhabitants.
tank mates- spotted hawk
blue hamlet
various crabs and snails
water parameters
ph normal
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates less than 5
sg 1.024-1.025
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
A swollen cloudy eye could be either from trauma or a bacterial infection. It often is just a sign that something is wrong rather then a specific disease. It appears that you have good water quality based on the posted readings. This will help. It may get better on its own, particularly if it was caused by trauma. I would suggest monitoring the fish and catching and treating if it worsens. You may have to take apart the tank.
I might also make the suggestion to set up a quarantine tank. This will avoid lots of potential problems in the future. (I learned that from an ich outbreak; I had to dismantle a tank with over 100# of live rock in it to catch the fish).