F in Flatworms


I just got a frag of steel blue centered zoos from my LFS. Tonight i noticed 3 little flatworms crawling outa the cracks in the rock. I have heard these are not good little critters and would like to kill them b4 thy multiply. Are there any fish that eat these, or can i just use flatworm exit. Please help.
Have a nice night.


Active Member
yup, yup. Do a fresh water dip. The zoas will close up for a bit then pop right back up. If you let the flats get away they will reproduce and then you'll be in a world of fish dodo


thanks alot for the responses. i will give them a dip, as long as it doesnt hurt the zoos. i will try it tonight because thats the only time i see them.
have a great day


And probably for every one you see there are 40 in some other area out of sight. Syphon the ones you see out with a turkey baster then use flatworm exit and be done with it. As much of a bar rep as they get, a small colony is not really harmfull. If yu do not see any damage from them just control population by turkey baster method. Ihave some in a tank that cause no problems at all. Maybe once every couple of months I may syphon some out.
Matter of fact the LFS here is super in what they do., they provide free flat worms with every coral purchase. Almost as good as *****.