F/O or reef?


Active Member
i love corals.... but i love lions more. i've got a house in the works and I'd like to set up a tank in it when i can.
just wondering what y'all think....
dwarf lions in a reef or a f/o?


Active Member
I think you can do a Dwarf Lion in a Reef. You just have to be more careful about the fish with him. It can also be more difficult to maintain the stringent parameters required by Coral when you have a messy lion in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
I think you can do a Dwarf Lion in a Reef. You just have to be more careful about the fish with him. It can also be more difficult to maintain the stringent parameters required by Coral when you have a messy lion in the tank.
+1, they are coral safe, but defintinely not shrimp safe. Some people even have problems with them eating their snails, but that isn't as common. Be very careful with the other fish in the tank...make sure that they aren't too small. Good luck.