

Active Member
Hey buddy... just wonderin' if you're still out there...somewhere...

Hiding under a different name, perhaps?


Active Member
ha-ha SnailDEVIL.

SW65 isn't outside my window. He's too busy starin' at his gorgeous Moorish Idol to do much else, ain't that right, SW65?


Active Member
Right, but that name doesn't show up anymore either. :notsure:
Poor guy. What a shame.


Maybe his parents finally took the computer away and made him go outside and play?
Then again school has started and he might not have all the free time that he had over the summer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
ha-ha SnailDEVIL.

SW65 isn't outside my window. He's too busy starin' at his gorgeous Moorish Idol to do much else, ain't that right, SW65?

Well it would be a tough decision between the idol and you...But to be safe I'll go with the dancing banana

Plus i'm kinda far in Mass...


Active Member
LoL, I love it. That banana gives me the creeps like nothing else. :scared:
I also LOVE Boston. I've been to a couple places in New England and just can't seem to get enough - SUCH beautiful scenery. Even the cities are gorgeous. NY doesn't even hold a candle. What a dump that place is. And don't get me STARTED on NJ....oooooh lordy.
But aaaaaaaaaanyway...did you name your idol yet? Post more pix in the photo forum - I LOVE that fish!!! :jumping:


Active Member
Boston is nice...too bad they can't get the highway right lol
Since my theme is Finding Nemo, it's name is the same as the Movie, Gill.
I have a large percentage of the cast from finding nemo...