fading corals?


New Member
about 8 months ago after doing a water change, in which i mixed my sand bed up really well. all the fish died. inverts and corals were fine. after about 2 months of water changes i decided to add fish again. i added two clowns which are living happily. as of 2 weeks ago my corals have shrunk up and faded considerably and the sponges i had are nearly gone. i have tested the water all seems correct. i installed new lamps thinking the old ones were past their prime but nothing seems to be helping. any ideas. after having this tank working fine for 8 years now this, i am ready to go fish only.


Active Member
What kind of "lamps"?
Water tests fine meaning? Calcium/alk/phosphates/pH/salinity/temp/nitrates....
What kind of water are you using to top off with?
A lot of hidden things could factor into this but if you had a tank for 8 years you don't sound like a beginner... tough call here.