Fairy wrasse in a reef tank....


Active Member
Hello all-
I am thinking of getting a male fairy wrasse to put in my 29 gal. reef. Do you think this tank is too small? I have a Bi-color blenny, Sleeper goby, Banggai Cardinal (temporary) in there as of now. The wrasse is small- 1 inch. Will this be a conflict with any corals or fish? All of these fish will be moving to my 180 reef tank when I move in about six months. Any help is appreciated of course.


you did not mention what type of fairy wrasse but yes your tank is too small. If your upgrading to a larger tank in six months why not wait till then to get the fish. Watch out though as they are jumpers and have a unique habit of jumping right through even the smallest of openings in the top of tanks. I know my Scotts Fairy Wrasse found a way out of my 50g reef and the only openings appear to be smaller than he was (still scratching my head over that one).


Active Member
The reason I am wanting to put the wrasse in the tank now is because I have a friend who can't take care of her tank for a little while. I am not sure what type of wrasse it is. I know the female version is sometimes called a tri-color.


given those circumstances you could try it but do try to upgrade the tank to give it more room and make sure the tank is covered.


If the wrasse is only 1", and you are positive that in 6 months you will be putting it into a 180, then that would be fine.


Active Member
I have a multi colored fairy wrasse, and it is very active. I have it in my 80, and it spends most of the day swimmimg the entire length of the tank. I would think that it would be O.K. for a SHORT period of time in a 29. Here is a link to a pic of mine, I was told it's a velvet multi-colored wrasse. Wrasse