Fake Anemones?


Hello, I have 2 false percs that love each other, but my tanks lighting won't support an anemone. I just can't brink myself to spend 25 bucks on a fake plastic one not knowing if they will like it. I don't care for the look of fake things in tanks, but would do it for my babies. So, are these plastic ones just for looks or will they enjoy "hosting" in them? Thanks for any input.


Active Member
The plastic ones are just for looks. Clowns dont need an anemone to be happy, so IMO dont bother getting a fake one.


Active Member
I wouldnt get one. If your lights will support low light corals, id get a coral. They will host just about anything.

fish addict

Some people say their clownfish host a fake anemone but yours probably won't, but they might. And if you don't like the look of them don't waste your money. JMO


i would try a feather duster, mine loves it. also i heard if you put a picture of a clownfish in an anemone up to the glass, it will usually mimic the picture. good luck


I, too, don't have the adequate lighting for an anemone but would love to add a host for my false perc. What are some examples of low light corals? I've examined feather dusters as an option, but I'm not a big fan of them. Also, a lot of fake anemones just don't look realistic enough and I understand that the chance of them hosting my clown are less than great.