False per clown and anemones problem


Hi all,
hear this strange story and please give me advise. I just bought two false per clown(wild caught). They became attach to my seabate anemones when I put them in the reef tank. They were so happy to defense their territory. Now, after one week, both of them got sick badly. They don't go to the anemones anymore. It looks to me that they are badly injured by the anemones. One of the clown is going down hill. Does anyone hear this before? If clown are not immune to the anemones sting, why they choose to go in there at the fist place? I never have any luck to put fish in my (one year old)reef tank. I don't have coral casaulty but a large number of fish casaulty. I put three blue chromis in and they all disappear. Right now, my reef tank has shrimp, crabs, snails and corals, not fish. Maybe you can help me. Thanks :(


Im not an expert on Anemones and Corals, but
I do know enough that there are a number that
eat fish. Be more specific about what else
is in your tank to help us all out here. As
to why the clowns go to the Anemone? There
are a bunch of articles on the web and books
written about this. Also, maybe a hiding mantis?


At this moment, I don't have any fish in my tank, except a boxer shrimp. I remove my per clowns to a hospital tank to cure them. I will keep you posted about my progress. Thanks