False Perc Clown


I just noticed today that one of my false percs mouth is not opening of closing. It stays open.
It looks kind of like "lock jaw". When I put food in the tank, the clown has trouble eating, since it can only suck in food and not close its mouth.
The clown is not acting strangly, or has any weird markings.
What is this? Thank you for the help :confused:
Ph =8.2
SG = 1.023
Trates = 5
Trites = 5
Am = o
Temp = 85f
phos = 0


Staff member
Why do you have nitrites? Is this a new tank? Nitrites are toxic to fish at any level, thus this could well be the problem.
How long have you had this fish?


oops, I miss typed, the trites are at 0.
The tank is a 10gal tank and has been running for about 8 months now.
The fish has been in the tank for about 6 months now.


Staff member
That's a pretty small tank. What other fish and organisms do you have in there? Describe your setup and filters.
What are you feeding this fish, and how often?


I have only two small (juvi) perc clowns, with a big piece of base rock that has some new algea growing on it. The percs use one of the holes on the rock as a home.
6 lbs of LS and a Peguine Bio wheel 125. Also there is a MJ 250 PH.
The lighting is a 10K 15 watt NO bulb.
I have ben feeding the fish a mix of fomula one and brine shrimp, once a day.


Staff member
With only a 10 gal tank, can you get real live rock. This, I think will make a big difference.
Also, are you up to feeding your fish home made food? :D
Do you have a pic of your sick clown?


The HI base rock I have in the tank has been in the for 8 months, so It probably is starting to turn live.
I am up to feeding my fish home made food :)
My digital camera is not working at the moment, but there really is not much to take a pic of.
The fish looks great except its mouth is stuck open and doesn't seem able to eat.


Staff member
LR will only turn "live" it is seeded by other LR.
Is this fish breathing fast? What do the gills look like? Do you have a QT?


I have about 8lbs of LS in the tank, amonia is at 0 and trites at 0.
The fish is not breathing fast, and the gills look fine, no redness and not swollen.
Mouth just stuck open. I don't have a QT, and if I did, I do not think there is anything that can be done.
I will just keep on eye on him and see what happens. I was hoping some one experienced this before.
Thank you for the help