False Perc Clown


What exactly is a false percula clown, and how does it differ from a "true" percula clown? Just wondering.


Pretty sure this is a true perc. Only thing i know is that false percs are easier to keep, especially if they're tank raised.


New Member
I think the true percs have a solid middle stripe and the false percs do not. The true percs can also be tank raised.
This is my true perc.


Active Member
Nummus: Thats an Ocellaris, or False Percula Clown Fish.
It is my opinion as well as many others in the scientific community that there is no difference between the two biologically speaking. The only differences are that 1.) The Amphirion Percula have a less defined striping pattern in that the border of the white bands may less distinct. The Ampihirion Ocellaris has a much more defined border shading of the white stripes. Typically seen is a very narrow band of black running along side of the white. 2.) Natural regions. These two fish are found in two distinct regions of the ocean and their ranges do not overlap.
I could've sworn I read in Conscientious Marine Aquarist that the difference between the too is the black, outlining stripe on the white strips; if the fish has them then it's a true perc... if not it's a false
Dont have the book in front of me, so I could be wrong. It could've been that the true percs have THICKER black outlining on their white stripes vs the false which have thinner or none.


Active Member
The only TRUE way to tell between the two is to count the top fin spines. One has 7 the other 8.....
Color is usually the first indication though as to which one you do have.

Originally posted by bdhough
The only TRUE way to tell between the two is to count the top fin spines. One has 7 the other 8.....
Color is usually the first indication though as to which one you do have.

I didn't know this... which one is which??


Active Member
Yeah what melody said..... I thought it was a smaller number. Either way if you have any doubts thats how you REALLY tell.... But usually you can tell by the coloring.