False perc. fungus?


My false perc has a growing single white spot under his mouth.It's white and kinda fuzzy looking.It's doubled in size the past two days.Two days ago it was just a bump but yesterday it was a lot bigger and fuzzy.My lfs said it was a common fungus due to a injury and reccomended Maroxy by Mardel to treat.
He was q'd for two weeks and has been in my tank for a month.
Here goes
ph 8.2
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrata 0
sg 1.023
temp 79
2 sally light foot crabs
yellow watch man goby
I feed brine and flakes every other day
Any suggestions?


Staff member
I have heard of this with other clowns. Do you still have the QT up and running?
Can you put the perc in it?
How is he doing besides the mark?


Yes QT is still up.Other than the spot he is normal, little pig actually. One thing he just started doing is rubbing or just smothering my yellow watchman.I think he wants the goby to clean him.I showed it to my wife last night and she could'nt believe how he would snuggle up to the watchman.
Thanks Beth


Since yesterday,the fuzzy part is gone. However there is a small bubble in it's place.It looks better as far as the infected area, just a little bubble flapping in the current. Is this a good sign?