false perc hosting a coral?


if i put a fasle perc my tank is it going to host one of my corals before it will host in a bta i'm gonna buy within the next month?
Right now i have:
Hammer coral
pulsating xenias
and a fuzzy plate coral( don't know the real name, got it for free)


it might host the plate. it might never host at all, it depends on the fish. If it's tank bred or wild


We had two clowns host a variety of corals. They would move from time to time, but ultimately ended up hosting with our Colt Coral (they even laid eggs on the rock by the colt too).


Active Member
Wow thats trippy...I woudl think that even if your clown did host one of your corals it would prolly move over to the anemone eventually...I cant get my false percs to host anything...if you want it to host make sure you get a wild one...they are much more likely to host as opposed to tank bred specamins.


Active Member
It's impossible to know the mind of a clownfish. They may host in anything. When I added my false percs it took them about 3 months before they hosted in anything. In the end, they fell in love with a sebea anenome, which supposedly they don't host in since they don't co-exist in the wild.
My point: add the clowns now and they may host in anything in your tank. Add the anenome before the clowns and the clowns may STILL host in anything in your tank.