false perc q's


dear swf.com friends
i wish to know if i get 2 clowns from the same store would they breed? i bought one to day and it is so cute he looks lonly i wonderin if i should get it a mate from the same store if u think inbreeding is a problum what would happen if they did mate would the fish be handicaped or sumthing :nervous: :notsure: oh and how often do u feed them i got them frozen ocean plancton is this good ?


Active Member
I've never thought about the whole inbreeding issue... so I don't know what to tell you about that. Hopefully someone else has some insight.
As for getting a second clown, just make sure that the second one is smaller than the first. The larger one may bully the smaller one for a bit, but then they should settle down and pair up. The larger will be your female and the smaller will be the male (clownfish can change gender).
Plankton should be fine, but you can also try mysis or even a homemade fish food made from fresh seafood. HTH :)


Active Member
I would not spend too much time worrying about inbreeding. Unless your are very familiar with how they spawn and how to raise the fry, they would die or be eaten by tankmates.
As far as feeding, I try to vary the diet for my clowns as much as possible. They will accept just about anything green and/or meaty.


Active Member
If you plan on breeding I would buy from two different stores and ask where each gets theirs from - try to get different breeders/suppliers. Of course this is assuming they are tank raised.


Just to let you know, there are no guaranties that they will pair up. Clowns are kinda funny. Utimately the female will make her decision if the male is worthy of being her mate. I wish you the best with your clowns.


ya but what if i bought from the same store would the offspring be retarded or sumthin ? or would they just not mate


Gosh....inbreed fish....well I can't imagine that it would be a problem unless you are from AR.
Seriously, I don't ever recall reading about any of this in the book "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson. BTW if you are serious about breeding them, you really need to get this book. It answered so many of my questions that I had.


ya what is "AR" but ya that book is like 59 dollers here heh and ya im very serious about breeding them and rahnas but i gota get rid of my angel and my neon tetra before i can breed the rahnas but my gf dosnt want them so i dunno what to do wit them so eather i need them to the perahnas when i get them or flush them


Sorry... AR is the state of Arkansas. I just noticed you are Canadian so that's why you didn't get the joke. Have you ever seen the movie Deliverance?
Try ordering the book on line. I lucked out and got mine for $7.00 us on an auction site:)