False Perc Questions...


i purchased 2 falsies... they are very very nice colors... the only other thing i have in the tank now is a damsel who may soon go back... he has yet to bug the clowns though so it may keep him in there cuz he's kinda cool for a 5 dollar fish (domino)...
is it not advisable to get any more clowns? or could i pull of keeping a black perc as well? or would i need a mate for him? it's just a 40 gallon high with a decent setup of LR and base... i'll post pics tomorrow night (as i'd like your opinions on it so far)...


Active Member
More than 2 clownfish of any species is not a good idea because two will pair off and kill the rest. Ocellaris clowns may do fine with a pair and some juvies, but it is uncommon.