false percs how will i know when ....


they are ready to breed or when do they start ? is there any sings should i do anything to my tank ?:confused:


If you are thinking your fish might spawn. You are looking at some real work to get ready. Green water, rotifers, brine shrimp,etc. I have spent 3 months preparing for my pairs of clowns to spawn. A good book to help you get started is Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson. Then if you still have an interest to spawning clowns you will need to get a few more specialized books. It's a lot of fun, and a lot of work.
Good luck,


When clown eggs hatch into larva they are to small to eat regular food. There is possibly someone who has developed a flake food for new clown fish larva but I have not found one. The best food I have found to try for the highest survival rate are marine rotifers, which are holoplankton. To raise these rotifers you feed them greenwater which is a microalgae. When the larva are 5 days old they should be able to start eating brine shrimp and pulverized flake food.
Good luck,


Clownfish are born without a ---. When mature the dominant clown will become the female,usually the larger one. The next most dominat will become the male, he will normally be smaller. Any other clownfish in the tank will remain sexually immature. The pair may spawn within a year but I would say longer. A lot depends on tank conditions.